68. Structure and Properties of NbVZr Complex Concentrated Alloys

68. Structure and Properties of NbVZr Complex Concentrated Alloys

Mu Li, Zhaohan Zhang et al., Acta Materialia (2021)

69. Observation and Control of Surface Termination in Perovskite Films

69. Observation and Control of Surface Termination in Perovskite Films

Thomas Orvis, Tengfei Cao et al., Nano Letter (2021)

70. Capabilities for the High-Throughput Characterization of Materials

70. Capabilities for the High-Throughput Characterization of Materials

Daniel B. Miracle, Mu Li, Zhaohan Zhang, et al., Annual Review of Materials Research (2021)

73. Crystal Symmetry Engineering in Epitaxial Perovskite Superlattices

73. Crystal Symmetry Engineering in Epitaxial Perovskite Superlattices

Xiang Ding, et al. Advanced Functional Materials (2021)

75. Epitaxial Thin Films of a Chalcogenide Perovskite

75. Epitaxial Thin Films of a Chalcogenide Perovskite

Mythili Surendran, et al. Chem. Mater. (2021)

77. Emerging two-dimensional tellurides

77. Emerging two-dimensional tellurides

S. Siddique et al., Materials Today (2021)