For the most part, we forget to take pictures. Here’s a few snapshots from events that we did remember to capture.
Congratulations to Dr. Jiang Luo and Dr. Guodong Ren (Group bbq in 2024)!Dinner with the invited speakers and co-organizers of symposium QM04: charged topological defects in functional materials at the 2023 MRS Spring meeting in San Francisco. Group dinner at Lu Lu restaurant to celebrate the end of Spring’23 semester and Daniel’s graduation.Group dinner at Joo Joo restaurant in 2022 MRS Fall 2022 in Boston with friends and colleagues at the symposium dinner for CH02: Frontiers of Imaging and Spectroscopy in Transmission Electron Microscopy. This was a chance to catch up with many former members of The ORNL STEM group. We have aged well!Lunch with John and Arashdeep at the MRS Fall 2022 meetingFall 2022 MRS Meeting at BostonM-cube lab in Jubel hallM-cube lab in Jubel hallM-cube lab in Jubel hallM-cube in 2022M-cube in Spring 2022Congratulations to Dr. Zhaohan Zhang! This is the 1st time any M-cube member, including Rohan, walked in a graduation ceremony (2022).
Congratulations to Dr. John Cavin and Dr. Arashdeep Singh Thind (Group bbq in 2021)!Group bbq in 2021
M-cube in 2019Rohan was the marshal for the engineering school at the inauguration ceremony for Chancellor Martin (2019)M-cube (2017)