Join us. We are hiring!

Rohan Mishra
Associate Professor
- Phone: 314-935-5585
- Email: rmishra@nospam.wustl.edu
Postdoc, Oak Ridge National Laboratory & Vanderbilt University (09/2012 – 06/2015)
Ph.D., The Ohio State University (2012)
B.Tech., National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India (2008)

Gwan-Yeong Jung
Postdoctoral scholar
- Email: gjung@wustl.edu
M-cube member since 09/2021. PhD Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (2020)

John Cavin
Postdoctoral scholar
- Email: cavin@wustl.edu
M-cube member since 06/2024; PhD Washington University in St Louis(2021)

Pravan Omprakash
IMSE PhD student
- Email: o.pravan@wustl.edu
M-cube member since 01/2023; B. S., Technology in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India. (2022)

Jian Huang
IMSE PhD student
- Email: h.jian@wustl.edu
M-cube member since 08/2023; B. S., Technology in Materials Science and Engineering from the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China. (2023)

Swamynadhan Madras jayasankar
Postdoctoral scholar
- Email: swamynadhan@wustl.edu
M-cube member since 08/2024. PhD SRM Institute of Science and Technology (2024)

Adhishree Apte
IMSE PhD Student
- Email: a.adhishree@wustl.edu
M-cube member since 12/24; B. S. in Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, India (2021); Joint Masters in Aerosol Science and Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis (2022)

Eric Montufar-Morales
IMSE PhD Student
M-Cube member since 08/24; B.S in Mechanical Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis.
Group Alumni

Arashdeep Thind
IMSE PhD student
- Email: asthind@wustl.edu
PhD, IMSE, WUSTL 09/2015 – 05/2021
B. Tech., Ceramic Engineering, IIT BHU, India (2015)

Steven Hartman
IMSE PhD student
- Email: steven.t.hartman@wustl.edu
PhD, IMSE, WUStL 08/2016 – 05/2020
B.S., Chemistry, Cedarville University, OH (2016)

Zhaohan Zhang
IMSE PhD student
- Email: zhaohan@wustl.edu
PhD, IMSE, WUSTL, 07/2018 – 06/2022 B.S., Material Physics, USTC (2017)

Jiang Luo
Chemistry PhD
- Email: luojiang@wustl.edu
PhD, Chemistry, WUSTL 12/2018 – 3/2024;
B. S., Chemistry, Wuhan University (2018)

Guodong Ren
IMSE PhD student
- Email: guodong.ren@wustl.edu
PhD, IMSE, WUSTL, 07/2019 – 06/2024
M. S. Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2019)

Xing Huang
Postdoctoral scholar
M-cube member 12/2015 – 1/2017
Current affiliation: Sr. Computer Specialist, CHPC, WUSTL
Postdoc & Ph.D., University of Kentucky, Lexington (2015, 2014)

Sung Beom Cho
Postdoctoral scholar
- Email: cho.s@wustl.edu
M-cube member 01/2017 – 08/2018
Current affiliation: Assistant Professor at Ajou University
Ph.D., B.S. (dual major in Physics and Materials Science), Hanyang University (2016, 2011)

Guangfu Luo
Research scientist
- Email: gluo@wustl.edu
M-cube member 10/2017 – 09/2018
Postdoc, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2012-17); Institute for Molecular Science, Japan (2010-12)
PhD, Peking University, China (2010)

Bishal Bhattarai
Postdoctoral scholar
- Email: bbhattarai@wustl.edu
M-cube postdoc (11/2018 – 1/2020). B.S. St. Xavier’s College, Nepal (2009). M.S. Sikkim University, India (2012) PhD, Ohio University, USA (2018)

Tengfei Cao
Research scientist
- Email: caotengfei2017@gmail.com
M-cube member since 07/2019. PhD Chinese Academy of Science (2014)

Benjamin Tattersfield
- Email: b.r.tattersfield@wustl.edu
M-cube member 05/2018 – 05/2020 After WashU: Systems Engineer at Ventriflo

Jon Okenfuss
- Email: jokenfuss@wustl.edu
M-cube member 08/2020 – 05/2022 B. S. Mechanical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis (2016) Jon joined Caterpillar after graduating with a MS from WashU.

Lyndon Zhao
Master’s student
- Email: lyndonzhao@wustl.edu
M-Cube Member (Summer 2018) B.S., Mechanical Engineering, WUSTL (2018)

Daniel Rinder
MS in CS
- Email: drinder@wustl.edu
M. Eng., Computer Science, WUSTL 2022 – 2023
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Washington University (2022)

Andrew Beukelman
- Email: andrew.beukelman@wustl.edu
M-Cube member 08/18 – 07/20 Engineer at Boeing, St. Louis

Joshua Cheng
Chemical Engineering Undergrad
- Email: cheng.joshua@wustl.edu
M-cube member since 05/2022. B.S., Chemical Engineering, Washington University McKelvey School of Engineering (2025, anticipated)